Character backgrounds have long been a fun part of creating a character in Dungeons & Dragons, but the 2024 Player’s Handbook makes them way more mechanically important than before. While ability score increases used to be associated with races (called species in the 2024 book), they’re now tied in with character backgrounds, emphasizing a character’s experience prior to joining an adventuring party.
In total, the 2024 Player’s Handbook features 16 different backgrounds, a step up from the 13 provided in 2014. There should ultimately be a decent fit for virtually any DnD character, but anyone who can’t connect their character with any of the options can always work with their DM to reflavor something.
Acolytes have experience as devotees in a temple, with an understanding of religon, magical rites, and a rudimentary grasp of channeling divine power. Taking an acolyte background is perfect for someone who wants to dip slightly into the Cleric experience and flavor without multiclassing.
Ability Scores |
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma |
Feat |
Magic Initiate (Cleric) |
Skill Proficiencies |
Insight & Religion |
Tool Proficiency |
Calligrapher’s Supplies |
Equipment |
(A) Calligrapher’s Supplies, Book (prayers), Holy Symbol, Parchment (10 sheets), Robe, 8 GP or (B) 50 GP |
With Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma as ability scores, along with proficiencies in Insight and Religion, acolytes are likely to be skilled at examining situations and coming to smart conclusions. It might not be the most well-optimized choice for a Barbarian attempting to smash things, however.
The artisan background confirms that a character has worked as an apprentice in a trade before, whether crafting weapons as a blacksmith or helping to run a kitchen as a cook. Experience in customer service helps give artisans an edge in conversation.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence |
Feat |
Crafter |
Skill Proficiencies |
Investigation & Persuasion |
Tool Proficiency |
Chosen set of Artisan’s Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Artisan’s Tools, Two Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, 32 GP or (B) 50 GP |
With Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence as ability scores, artisans can also hold their own in the physical department. An artisan would be a natural background choice for a dwarf who once worked at the forge, for one common character type.
D&D: Every Feat In The 2024 Player’s Handbook
Feats are a fun way to spice up characters in Dungeons & Dragons, and the 2024 Player’s Handbook offers a lot of options across several categories.
With no particular restrictions on what the artisanal job could have been, however, there’s no shortage of creative character concepts that might have once worked a skilled trade. For the devout roleplayer, this could even be an opportunity to bring some real-life crafting skills into the mix.
Charlatans are experienced in the art of having an angle, knowing just what to show and tell people to manipulate them into serving the charlatan’s needs. Whether they’ve performed unbelievable card tricks in a circus or duped the unwitting on the streets of a city, their skills should translate well to a party that’s willing to deceive.
Ability Scores |
Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma |
Feat |
Skilled |
Skill Proficiencies |
Deception & Sleight of Hand |
Tool Proficiency |
Forgery Kit |
Equipment |
(A) Forgery Kit, Costume, Fine Clothes, 15 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Playing a charlatan against type or making a reformed character can be interesting, so taking advantage of the Charisma boost with a Paladin could be interesting. The overall charlatan skill set is likely best suited to a Rogue, but that’s no reason not to get more experimental.
A DnD character with a criminal background has lived a shadowy life, and one that might not have been as comfortable as a charlatan telling comforting lies. Criminals are likely to be cunning cutpurses with a good nose for danger and the wits to keep themselves out of serious trouble despite constantly playing with fire.
Ability Scores |
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence |
Feat |
Alert |
Skill Proficiencies |
Sleight of Hand & Stealth |
Tool Proficiency |
Thieves’ Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Two Daggers, Thieves’ Tools, Crowbar, Two Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, 16 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Like the charlatan background, a criminal past tends to work well with the Rogue class. While every party member is likely to break some laws over the course of the average campaign, few will do it with the skill that a criminal will.
An entertainer background is a natural choice for a Bard, but it could make sense for any DnD character with a flair for performance. Whether known for the musical instrument that they gain proficiency in or any other sort of memorable skill, any show put on by an entertainer stands a good chance of capturing hearts and winning over friends and allies.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Dexterity, Charisma |
Feat |
Musician |
Skill Proficiencies |
Acrobatics & Performance |
Tool Proficiency |
Chosen Musical Instrument |
Equipment |
(A) Musical Instrument, Two Costumes, Mirror, Perfume, Traveler’s Clothes, 11 GP or (B) 50 GP |
To break away from a typical Bard, an entertainer could always be someone who doesn’t actually like being in the spotlight anymore, but is more than capable of wowing everyone if the occasion should arise. On the flip side, skipping entertainer and choosing a less optimal background could be fun for a character who loves to be the star of the show but isn’t particularly good at it.
The background of a farmer might not be as glamorous as some other options in DnD‘s 2024 Player’s Handbook, but it’s no less beneficial. A farmer has steadfast resilience, a connection with land and animals, and the wisdom to know when they’re outmatched by nature.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Constitution, Wisdom |
Feat |
Tough |
Skill Proficiencies |
Animal Handling & Nature |
Tool Proficiency |
Carpenter’s Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Sickle, Carpenter’s Tools, Healer’s Kit, Iron Pot, Shovel, Traveler’s Clothes, 30 GP or (B) 50 GP |
With a versatile set of ability scores and skill proficiences, farmers could work well for most classes. From a roleplaying standpoint, it’s important to think about what that rural history might affect, but a farmer could still have experience in other walks of life.
Virtually every adventuring party will end up dealing with their fair share of guards, but there’s no reason why they shouldn’t have that experience themselves. A character with a guard background is well-tuned for danger and perfectly capable of manning a long post, with the physical prowess to dispatch any reasonable threats.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom |
Feat |
Alert |
Skill Proficiencies |
Athletics & Perception |
Tool Proficiency |
Chosen Gaming Set |
Equipment |
(A) Spear, Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Gaming Set, Hooded Lantern, Manacles, Quiver, Traveler’s Clothes, 12 GP or (B) 50 GP |
With Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom for ability scores and proficiencies in Athletics and Perception, guards might be the first to respond when a surprise threat comes in range of the party. This could be a great choice for either martial characters or casters, with Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom as ability score options.
A guide has been immersed in the wilderness all their life, so they might be of significant help to a party that plans on trekking through dangerous forests and unknown territories. They tap into a bit of the same magic that Druids possess thanks to their deep connection with the strange wilds.
Ability Scores |
Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom |
Feat |
Magic Initiate (Druid) |
Skill Proficiencies |
Stealth & Survival |
Tool Proficiency |
Cartographer’s Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Cartographer’s Tools, Bedroll, Quiver, Tent, Traveler’s Clothes, 3 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Survival skills like charting paths and foraging should come easily to guides, which would work for a Ranger. Doubling down with a Druid guide can also make sense, and it’s certainly a natural choice for any character that’s deeply focused on nature.
D&D: Best Magic Items For Druids (& How To Use Them Correctly)
While Druids already have a slew of spells available in Dungeons & Dragons, there are also many magical items that can make them more powerful.
At the same time, it can also be a perfect way to add a bit of that flavor without committing to the class. Not every DnD campaign is heavy on wilderness exploration mechanics, but for those that are, this could easily be the most important role for a party to fill.
Like guides, hermits are accustomed to living outside the bounds of civilized society, but they’ve been focused on solitude rather than helping travelers through the unknown. Immersed in their thoughts, hermits have gained wisdom and knowledge, with a knack for healing that won’t match a dedicated support class but could certainly do in a pinch.
Ability Scores |
Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma |
Feat |
Healer |
Skill Proficiencies |
Medicine & Religion |
Tool Proficiency |
Herbalism Kit |
Equipment |
(A) Quarterstaff, Herbalism Kit, Bedroll, Book (philosophy), Lamp, Oil (three flasks), Traveler’s Clothes, 16 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Hermits are natural for support roles in a party, but with constitution as an ability score option, a particularly daring loner could make the switch to front-line fighting. It’s also a fun option for some role-playing eccentricities, as a character that’s spent years in isolation doesn’t just have to be quiet.
Merchants have experience as apprentices, like artisans, but they worked under those who were experienced at selling wares rather than crafting them. A merchant has the charisma to make for a natural party face and the travel experience to help get the party where they need to go, even if they might struggle in the wilderness compared to a guide.
Ability Scores |
Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma |
Feat |
Lucky |
Skill Proficiencies |
Animal Handling & Persuasion |
Tool Proficiency |
Navigator’s Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Navigator’s Tools, 2 Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, 22 GP or (B) 50 GP |
While merchants are more upright than charlatans, they’re similarly skilled at getting people in the palms of their hands. Proficiency in Animal Handling means that the same applies to the animal kingdom, so they could also be good at talking down an angry guard dog or worse.
Characters with a noble background are accustomed to the finer things, growing up in privileged positions that were likely far more comfortable than the adventuring life. They’re well-learned in a variety of fields and often know plenty about leadership, but field experience might come as something of a shock.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Intelligence, Charisma |
Feat |
Skilled |
Skill Proficiencies |
History & Persuasion |
Tool Proficiency |
Chosen Gaming Set |
Equipment |
(A) Gaming Set, Fine Clothes, Perfume or (B) 50 GP |
Nonetheless, the noble skill set makes them generally adaptable, so it’s certainly possible to play nobles as much more than clueless adventurers from comfortable lifestyles. Their connections could also be highly useful, especially in the context of an urban campaign.
Every New D&D Spell In The 2024 Player’s Handbook
The 2024 Player’s Handbook introduces 10 completely new spells, all of which seem like they could be fun for the right character concept.
Having a party with a mix of nobility and characters from humbler backgrounds can make for an interesting dynamic. Whether that leads to ongoing tension or ultimately sets up even stronger bonds, it’s certainly a strong starter for roleplaying.
While nobles likely accomplished their learning in one or two centralized locations, sages have traveled from place to place to self-study at every site of learning that they can. Along the way, they’ve picked up a bit of magic, but they’re also well-versed in subjects like history and well-attuned to learning anything.
Ability Scores |
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom |
Feat |
Magic Initiate (Wizard) |
Skill Proficiencies |
Arcana & History |
Tool Proficiency |
Calligrapher’s Supplies |
Equipment |
(A) Quarterstaff, Calligrapher’s Supplies, Book (history), Parchment (8 sheets), Robe, 8 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Sage can be a nice way to dip into the arcane with a martial character, but it also works to double down on the concept with a caster. Either way, it should give any character a good understanding of how magic has shaped the world, which can be useful in even the most mundane dungeon crawls.
Sailors know the way of the seas, and the call to adventure is probably as natural to them as the feel of a deck rocking beneath their feet. Being a sailor isn’t just about the time at sea, however, and they’ve also picked up the art of tavern brawling in the many ports that they’ve stopped in.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom |
Feat |
Tavern Brawler |
Skill Proficiencies |
Acrobatics & Perception |
Tool Proficiency |
Navigator’s Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Dagger, Navigator’s Tools, Rope, Traveler’s Clothes, 20 GP or (B) 50 GP |
With the introduction of more pirates in the 2025 Monster Manual, there may never have been a better time to play a sailor in fifth edition DnD. That being said, they can also make for memorable fish-out-of-water characters in landlocked campaigns.
A DnD party member with a background as a scribe is more experienced in the art of the pen than the sword, whether simply copying down documents or writing some works of their own. A keen eye is a natural talent of a good scribe, and they’re likely to have picked up a good bit of learning along the way.
Ability Scores |
Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom |
Feat |
Skilled |
Skill Proficiencies |
Investigation & Perception |
Tool Proficiency |
Calligrapher’s Supplies |
Equipment |
(A) Calligrapher’s Supplies, Fine Clothes, Lamp, Oil (three flasks), Parchent (12 sheets), 23 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Scribes could easily turn their talents to becoming party detectives, but they can also stick to their bookish ways if it suits the expedition. While scribes might not be as likely to become front-line fighters, there’s nothing stopping them if it suits the character.
Like guards, soldiers are trained in the art of martial discipline, but they’re used to putting it into practice on the battlefield. While they may not have the same long-standing vigilance, they make up for it with the skills necessary to overcome brawls with even fearsome foes.
Ability Scores |
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution |
Feat |
Savage Attacker |
Skill Proficiencies |
Athletics & Intimidation |
Tool Proficiency |
Chosen Gaming Set |
Equipment |
(A) Spear, Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Gaming Set, Healer’s Kit, Quiver, Traveler’s Clothes, 14 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Soldier is naturally a strong background choice for a Fighter, and it’s always going to make more sense as a choice for martial classes than it is for casters. That being said, a soldier-turned-Cleric could be an interesting take, as the reality of the battlefield could have easily motivated a change in the direction of their life.
Wayfarers are used to living on the streets, without a place to call home or many people to rely on. Like criminals, they’re good at overcoming the odds and adept at the ways of the underclass, but they’re less likely to embrace an outlaw lifestyle except when it’s truly necessary.
Ability Scores |
Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma |
Feat |
Lucky |
Skill Proficiencies |
Insight & Stealth |
Tool Proficiency |
Thieves’ Tools |
Equipment |
(A) Two daggers, Thieves’ Tools, Gaming Set, Bedroll, Two Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, 16 GP or (B) 50 GP |
Wayfarer is the perfect background for a scrappy character who made their own luck rather than relying on the advantages that a noble had from the start. That doesn’t mean they can overcome every challenge in Dungeons & Dragons, but it does mean that they’re likely to have an idea of how to come out on top in underdog situations.
Dungeons and Dragons
$46 $50 Save
- Original Release Date
- Publisher
TSR Inc., Wizards of the Coast
- Designer
E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson
- Player Count
2-7 Players
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