This package demonstrates Rust-like ownership and borrowing semantics in Julia through a macro-based system that performs runtime checks. This tool is mainly to be used in development and testing to flag memory safety issues, and help you design safer code.
BorrowChecker.jl does not promise memory safety. This library simulates aspects of Rust’s ownership model, but it does not do this at a compiler level, and does not do this with any of the same guarantees. Furthermore, BorrowChecker.jl heavily relies on the user’s cooperation, and will not prevent you from misusing it, or from mixing it with regular Julia code.
In Julia, objects exist independently of the variables that refer to them. When you write x = [1, 2, 3]
in Julia, the actual object lives in memory completely independently of the symbol, and you can refer to it from as many variables as you want without issue:
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = x
# 3
Once there are no more references to the object, the “garbage collector” will work to free the memory.
Rust is much different. For example, the equivalent code is invalid in Rust
let x = vec![1, 2, 3];
let y = x;
println!("{}", x.len());
// error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `x`
Rust refuses to compile this code. Why? Because in Rust, objects (vec![1, 2, 3]
) are owned by variables. When you write let y = x
, the ownership of vec![1, 2, 3]
is moved to y
. Now x
is no longer allowed to access it.
To fix this, we would either write
let y = x.clone();
// OR
let y = &x;
to either create a copy of the vector, or borrow x
using the &
operator to create a reference. You can create as many references as you want, but there can only be one original object.
The purpose of this “ownership” paradigm is to improve safety of code. Especially in complex, multithreaded codebases, it is really easy to shoot yourself in the foot and modify objects which are “owned” (editable) by something else. Rust’s ownership and lifetime model makes it so that you can prove memory safety of code! Standard thread races are literally impossible. (Assuming you are not using unsafe { ... }
to disable safety features, or rust itself has a bug, or a cosmic ray hits your PC!)
In BorrowChecker.jl, we demonstrate a very simple implementation of some of these core ideas. The aim is to build a development layer that, eventually, can help prevent a few classes of memory safety issues, without affecting runtime behavior of code. The above example, with BorrowChecker.jl, would look like this:
using BorrowChecker
@own x = [1, 2, 3]
@own y = x
# ERROR: Cannot use x: value has been moved
You see, the @own
operation has bound the variable x
with the object [1, 2, 3]
. The second operation then moves the object to y
, and flips the .moved
flag on x
so it can no longer be used by regular operations.
The equivalent fixes would respectively be:
@clone y = x
# OR
@lifetime a begin
@ref ~a y = x
#= operations on reference =#
Note that BorrowChecker.jl does not prevent you from cheating the system and using y = x
1. To use this library, you will need to buy in to the system to get the most out of it. But the good news is that you can introduce it in a library gradually: add @own
, @move
, etc., inside a single function, and call @take!
when passing objects to external functions. And for convenience, a variety of standard library functions will automatically forward operations on the underlying objects.
The API is under active development and may change in future versions.
@own [:mut] x = value
: Create a new owned value (mutable if:mut
is specified)- These are
objects, respectively.
- These are
@move [:mut] new = old
: Transfer ownership from one variable to another (mutable destination if:mut
is specified). Note that this is simply a more explicit version of@own
for moving values.@clone [:mut] new = old
: Create a deep copy of a value without moving the source (mutable destination if:mut
is specified).@take[!] var
: Unwrap an owned value. Using@take!
will mark the original as moved, while@take
will perform a copy.
@lifetime lt begin ... end
: Create a scope for references whose lifetimeslt
are the duration of the block@ref ~lt [:mut] var = value
: Create a reference, for the duration oflt
, to owned valuevalue
and assign it tovar
(mutable if:mut
is specified)- These are
objects, respectively. Use these in the signature of any function you wish to make compatible with references. In the signature you can useOrBorrowed{T}
to also allow regularT
- These are
Automatic Ownership Transfer
BorrowChecker.Experimental.@managed begin ... end
: create a scope where contextual dispatch is performed using Cassette.jl: recursively, all functions (in all dependencies) are automatically modified to apply@take!
to anyOwned{T}
input arguments.- Note: this is an experimental feature that may change or be removed in future versions. It relies on compiler internals and seems to break on certain functions (like SIMD operations).
@set x = value
: Assign a new value to an existing owned mutable variable
@own [:mut] for var in iter
: Create a loop over an iterable, assigning ownership of each element tovar
. The originaliter
is marked as moved.@ref ~lt [:mut] for var in iter
: Create a loop over an owned iterable, generating references to each element, for the duration oflt
You can disable BorrowChecker.jl’s functionality by setting borrow_checker = false
in your LocalPreferences.toml file (using Preferences.jl). When disabled, all macros like @own
, @move
, etc., will simply pass through their arguments without any ownership or borrowing checks.
You can also set the default behavior from within a module:
module MyModule
using BorrowChecker: disable_by_default!
#= Other code =#
This can then be overridden by the LocalPreferences.toml file.
Let’s look at the basic ownership system. When you create an owned value, it’s immutable by default:
@own x = [1, 2, 3]
push!(x, 4) # ERROR: Cannot write to immutable
For mutable values, use the :mut
@own :mut data = [1, 2, 3]
push!(data, 4) # Works! data is mutable
Note that various functions have been overloaded with the write access settings, such as push!
, getindex
, etc.
The @own
macro creates an Owned{T}
or OwnedMut{T}
object. Most functions will not be written to accept these, so you can use @take
(copying) or @take!
(moving) to extract the owned value:
# Functions that expect regular Julia types:
push_twice!(x::Vector{Int}) = (push!(x, 4); push!(x, 5); x)
@own x = [1, 2, 3]
@own y = push_twice!(@take!(x)) # Moves ownership of x
push!(x, 4) # ERROR: Cannot use x: value has been moved
However, for recursively immutable types (like tuples of integers), @take!
is smart enough to know that the original can’t change, and thus it won’t mark a moved:
@own point = (1, 2)
sum1 = write_to_file(@take!(point)) # point is still usable
sum2 = write_to_file(@take!(point)) # Works again!
This is the same behavior as in Rust (c.f., the Copy
There is also the @take(...)
macro which never marks the original as moved,
and performs a deepcopy
when needed:
@own :mut data = [1, 2, 3]
@own total = sum_vector(@take(data)) # Creates a copy
push!(data, 4) # Original still usable
Note also that for improving safety when using BorrowChecker.jl, the macro will actually store the symbol used.
This helps catch mistakes like:
julia> @own x = [1, 2, 3];
julia> y = x; # Unsafe! Should use @clone, @move, or @own
julia> @take(y)
ERROR: Variable `y` holds an object that was reassigned from `x`.
This won’t catch all misuses but it can help prevent some.
References let you temporarily borrow values. This is useful for passing values to functions without moving them. These are created within an explicit @lifetime
@own :mut data = [1, 2, 3]
@lifetime lt begin
@ref ~lt r = data
@ref ~lt r2 = data # Can create multiple _immutable_ references!
@test r == [1, 2, 3]
# While ref exists, data can't be modified:
data[1] = 4 # ERROR: Cannot write original while immutably borrowed
# After lifetime ends, we can modify again!
data[1] = 4
Just like in Rust, while you can create multiple immutable references, you can only have one mutable reference at a time:
@own :mut data = [1, 2, 3]
@lifetime lt begin
@ref ~lt :mut r = data
@ref ~lt :mut r2 = data # ERROR: Cannot create mutable reference: value is already mutably borrowed
@ref ~lt r2 = data # ERROR: Cannot create immutable reference: value is mutably borrowed
# Can modify via mutable reference:
r[1] = 4
When you need to pass immutable references of a value to a function, you would modify the signature to accept a Borrowed{T}
type. This is similar to the &T
syntax in Rust. And, similarly, BorrowedMut{T}
is similar to &mut T
There are the OrBorrowed{T}
(basically ==Union{T,Borrowed{<:T}}
) and OrBorrowedMut{T}
aliases for easily extending a signature. Let’s say you have some function:
struct Bar{T}
function foo(bar::Bar{T}) where {T}
Now, you’d like to modify this so that it can accept references to Bar
objects from other functions. Since foo
doesn’t need to mutate bar
, we can modify this as follows:
function foo(bar::OrBorrowed{Bar{T}}) where {T}
Now, we can modify our calling code (which might be multithreaded) to be something like:
@own :mut bar = Bar([1, 2, 3])
@lifetime lt begin
@ref ~lt r1 = bar
@ref ~lt r2 = bar
@own tasks = [
@show map(fetch, @take!(tasks))
# After lifetime ends, we can modify `bar` again
Immutable references are safe to pass in a multi-threaded context, so this is a good way to prevent thread races.
Using immutable references enforces that (a) the original object cannot be modified, and (b) there are no mutable references active.
Another trick: don’t worry about references being used after the lifetime ends, because the lt
variable will be expired!
julia> @own x = 1
@own :mut cheating = []
@lifetime lt begin
@ref ~lt r = x
push!(cheating, r)
julia> @show cheating[1]
ERROR: Cannot use r: value's lifetime has expired
This makes the use of references inside threads safe, because the threads must finish inside the scope of the lifetime.
Though we can’t create multiple mutable references, you are allowed to create multiple mutable references to elements of a collection via the @ref ~lt for
@own :mut data = [[1], [2], [3]]
@lifetime lt begin
@ref ~lt :mut for r in data
push!(r, 4)
@show data # [[1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 4]]
The (experimental) @managed
block can be used to perform borrow checking automatically. It basically transforms all functions, everywhere, to perform @take!
on function calls that take Owned{T}
or OwnedMut{T}
struct Particle
function update!(p::Particle)
p.position .+= p.velocity
return p
With @managed
, you don’t need to manually move ownership:
julia> using BorrowChecker.Experimental: @managed
julia> @own :mut p = Particle([0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0])
@managed begin
julia> p
This works via Cassette.jl overdubbing, which recursively modifies all function calls in the entire call stack – not just the top-level function, but also any functions it calls, and any functions those functions call, and so on. But do note that this is very experimental as it modifies the compilation itself. For more robust usage, just use @take!
This also works with nested field access, just like in Rust:
struct Container
f!(x::Vector{Int}) = push!(x, 3)
@own a = Container([2])
@managed begin
f!(a.x) # Container ownership handled automatically
@take!(a) # ERROR: Cannot use a: value has been moved
For mutating an owned value directly, you should use the @set
which prevents the creation of a new owned value.
@own :mut local_counter = 0
for _ in 1:10
@set local_counter = local_counter + 1
@take! local_counter
But note that if you have a mutable struct, you can just use setproperty!
as normal:
mutable struct A
@own :mut a = A(0)
for _ in 1:10
a.x += 1
# Move it to an immutable:
@own a_imm = a
And, as expected:
julia> a_imm.x += 1
ERROR: Cannot write to immutable
julia> a.x += 1
ERROR: Cannot use a: value has been moved
Sometimes you want to create a completely independent copy of a value.
While you could use @own new = @take(old)
, the @clone
macro provides a clearer way to express this intent:
@own :mut original = [1, 2, 3]
@clone copy = original # Creates an immutable deep copy
@clone :mut mut_copy = original # Creates a mutable deep copy
push!(mut_copy, 4) # Can modify the mutable copy
@test_throws BorrowRuleError push!(copy, 4) # Can't modify the immutable copy
push!(original, 5) # Original still usable
@test original == [1, 2, 3, 5]
@test copy == [1, 2, 3]
@test mut_copy == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Another macro is @move
, which is a more explicit version of @own new = @take!(old)
@own :mut original = [1, 2, 3]
@move new = original # Creates an immutable deep copy
@test_throws MovedError push!(original, 4)
Note that @own new = old
will also work as a convenience, but @move
is more explicit and also asserts that the new value is owned.
Luckily, the library has a way to try flag such mistakes by recording symbols used in the macro. ↩
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